Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An Idea I was having

I would love some feedback on this idea (However, not so much on presentation, as powerpoint is not my strong suit, if it's yours I'd be happy to accept suggestions though)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is Our Healthcare System Making You Sick

First we have to say, "what healthcare system?" Do we even have one at the moment, other than the hodgepodge of patchworks made up of various insurance and pharmaceutical companies? Not sure this is the MOST pressing issue of the day, unless of course you are sick and have to maneuver through the web of goo. As for me, me and mine are healthy and have no immediate concern, but I'm not so fool hearty to think that this will always be the case. And, with the current discussions regarding HR676 all the buzz, I figure I'd better figure out where I stand.

The first stop on my journey was actually the bill in California SB840. The following video shows how thoroughly the bill has been throughout, and the consequences of not having a good health care policy.

I found this bill very exciting, well, except for the fact that I don't live in California, nor do millions of other Americans. However, the federal government has a health care bill being currently discussed--HR676 co-authored by Dennis Kucinich.

Now this gets me thinking, which would be better, a state by state single payer system, or a national single payer system. Either way, profit HAS to be taken out of health care. Now profits, in general, are not necessarily a bad thing, but they have no place when it comes to dealing with health. I love the line in one of these videos where they equate it to ones house burning. We don't expect the individual homeowner to pay the fire department, we all pay so if we should be victim to a fire, we can receive the fire fighting services. Why has it been that health care has not been viewed in the same way?

So I decide to see where my state stands in this area. It appears we are going to have a general vote on whether or not to modify our constitution to include Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an obligation for the State to ensure that every resident is able to realize this fundamental right.

Okay, that's a start. I suppose this would lay the groundwork for future legislation.