Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An Idea I was having

I would love some feedback on this idea (However, not so much on presentation, as powerpoint is not my strong suit, if it's yours I'd be happy to accept suggestions though)


  1. Hind sight is such a beautiful and useless thing.

    While appreciate the ambition I think it would have been much more appropriate to grapple with things in smaller bites.

    What if, what if the government just dealt with the most urgent need first, and the next week the second step, and so on.

    As the first step, the mortgage crisis and emergency measures for severe poverty prevention, such as funds to food stamps, and other social responsibilities. A 1 year moratorium on foreclosures, which would either compel banks to seek assistance (via the program outlined above, or something similar) or to renegotiate with their clients a contract that can be fulfilled to the satisfaction of both parties.

    The second step might be job creation measures, within that could be a green policy, etc.

    The next revamping the healthcare system.

    There wouldn't need to be long lags between each of these steps, but taking them one at a time would allow better focus on the particular elements of each step.

  2. http://christyhardinsmith.firedoglake.com/2009/03/03/you-gotta-speak-up/
